Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to a New Era

So, this is going to be my year- FACT! But it's also the start of a whole new era for me. I have many plans for myself this year and it all involves being more selfish. Now, don't get me wrong because I'm not talking about selfish in a bad way. I'm strictly speaking about devoting a little more time to me and taking care of myself. I just realized right before Christmas that I couldn't remember the last time I had purchased for myself a new article of clothing. It must have been the last time I had a gift card. Probably to Old Navy and I distinctly recall the last time I shopped there I used a gift card to buy myself a shirt and Lainie a dress and some cute socks. I just feel that this is shameful. More so because I do have new clothes and they have all been hand-me-downs from Christie (my Naomi) or purchased by my mom. Please don't doubt for a second that all of the clothes I have received have been fashionable and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. But, to never buy myself something new is getting on my nerves just a little. Especially because I've been losing weight and working on getting in shape and I think a new outfit every now and then is just the motivational boost I need. So, I budgeted for it. In my monthly budget I have added a line item to buy myself something special each month. Doesn't have to be a new outfit. For instance, this month I'm getting myself the Michael Jackson Experience for the Wii. It's going to be part of my new dancercise regimen.

 Also part of this new era is getting fit. I can't call it that horrible word that rhymes with shmexercise. I mean, some people hear the word diet and instantly crave pizza, mozzarella sticks, and an oreo cookie blizzard (or is that just me?). Well, truth be told, I've been on a diet of sorts my whole life so the word diet is really not that scary. But that dreaded "e" word is just too much for me. It immediately makes me want to do nothing but sit on my couch and watch a marathon of Golden Girls whilst devouring cheesecake (because, let's face it, you can't watch an episode of Golden Girls without craving cheesecake). So, I'm calling that "e" word anything but the actual "e" word. From de-stressing to dancercise, it has to be called anything but that "e" word. So, what else is part of my getting fit routine you might be asking. Well, Sweating to the Oldies (yes, the one with Richard Simmons- the original STTO), for one. I'm not gonna lie because, quite frankly, I have no shame when it comes to Richie S. I love him. He's hysterical. He has a good heart. I love the songs. So, yeah, STTO. Plus, Wii Fit and Wii Play and my beloved Denise Austin Pilates and Yoga dvd. I'm sure I'll add more as time goes along, but for now that's it.

 To round out the continuation of the new me, I'm back to attending Weight Watcher meetings. I have been doing it online since June, but they recently began a new program and so my co-worker and I are back at the meetings. By the way, I'm likely the only person in America that lost 1.5 pounds over Christmas (I weigh in for my New Year's test tomorrow). Score!

 So, here's to 2012. May there be pounds lost, fitness gained, clothes purchased, fun had, kisses from a prince, and a brand new me by the end of this year! God bless you in 2012!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a positive post, I love it :) I know you can do anything you set your mind to! Keep updating on your progress!!
