Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I've Got the Joy

You know that feeling you have when the guy you like notices you and then you start talking and you know he likes you and it fills you with this bubbly, butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling and you get that can't eat-can't sleep-reach for the stars-over the fence-world series feeling? Strangely, I feel that way and there isn't a guy that has noticed me (that I'm aware of) or talking to me or liking me (again, that I know of). But I feel so bubbly and butterflies-in-my-stomachy these days. No clue why.

I have been dancercising with my baby girl. I also spent every morning last week up at the butt crack of dawn doing some pilates and yoga. It's so fun to see the results in the form of my daughter dancing around telling people she's exercising and she is mimicking my pilates and yoga video. She likes to sit on the couch in the wee hours of the morning watching me. One day she even tried to do it with me, on the floor, entirely in my way- but super fun! She loves Richard Simmons and asks for more dancing. We also discovered on one of her Barbie movie dvds that there is a dance instructional feature and then the music video to dance to. We love that too. I also purchased Michael Jackson- The Experience for the Wii. Although, much to my chagrin, I have yet to do it, I plan to. I'm dancing Thriller at my brother's wedding with my brother and his will-be bride. I'm gonna rock that joint.

I've also been stretching myself in the cooking world. Last week I made two new dishes- Italian Chicken (much like Italian beef) and Sweet Curried Chicken. Check out the recipe of the week for the Italian Chicken. I'll post the Sweet Curried Chicken later.

Tomorrow is Weighsday so I'll have to report back on how I'm doing. But, last week, after all of the schmexercising I did and eating so healthy I lost .4 pounds. I was a bit crushed but then my brother offered lots of encouraging words and thoughts and he made me realize that these weigh-ins don't matter as much as where I am in 6 months matter. I can't let one minor weight loss when I was expecting so much more defeat me. I mean, ok, duh, right? But, I still needed to hear it. Thanks, Tommy!! He's a pretty swell little brother (that looks older than me thought I'm 5 1/2 years his senior- thanks for looking so old, Tommy!) I'm not being mean. It's a running joke. The little buggar gave me a Happy 40th Birthday card for my 28th birthday. He deserves a jab here and there.

Happy Tuesday!

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