Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aboard the Weight Loss Train

So, despite the fact that I have not been faithfully blogging as I very well should be, it does not mean that I have not been chugging right along the weight loss train. I'm down 38 pounds these days and I just have to report that many of my pants have become so baggy I can pull them down without unbuttoning or unzipping them. Ahhh.....the sweet taste of success is mine.

I've been making some pretty awesome recipes of late and when I stop being the derelict blogger that I have been lately, I will absolutely get posting.

In the meantime, this weight loss train is rolling out full steam ahead. Yee haw!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Charging Full Speed Ahead

Whew! I'm making so much progress with Operation: New Me. Ok, so I literally just dubbed my whole lose some weight and get healthy plan Operation: New Me, but I'm going with it. I've already reached my first personal goal and it feels good. My reward, you ask, because you know I have to reward myself? Well, I was going to do a mani-pedi but instead I'm going to treat myself to a massage. I haven't yet booked it, however, I will. Soon.

Life seems pretty simple these days and simiplicity is much welcome and appreciated, all things considered. Certain chapters of my life seem to have come to a close and they are definitely chapters I was quite ready to see end. Alas, new chapters all around. For starters, I'm considering a church change. That is, I think I want to return to my previous church. I'm praying about it and hopefully, I'll get the word soon. =)

Also, I have started straightening my hair and it makes me feel rather rockstarish. That combined with the weight loss, skin regimen, and that I'm-feeling-good-about-myself glow and this mama is feeling super rockstar these days! Not to be confused with being grown up, because that is something I refuse to do, grow up.

Tonight, if I have the time, I am going to attempt a low-carb zucchini bread. If the results are acceptable I will definitely post the recipe. It involves an all out substitution of flax meal for flour. Actually, I wanted to try it with almond flour, but I cannot find such a thing locally. I may have to break down and purchase it online. I'll keep you informed, fear not.

I have a feeling Prince Charming is well on his way to me. I hope he's ready for a chase because this Princess' heart will not be won so easily. =)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Farmer's Market Frenzy

I just can't help myself. Walking through a farmer's market has the same affect on me that walking through a shoe store has on my bestie (who owns more shoes than Ford has made cars). Just sayin'. Any hoo, I can't control myself is the point. This weekend I forced the mom and my baby girl to go with me. I bought so many goodies that I was in hog heaven. A wee bit too much of a hog, I might add. When I got all of my delicious find home I remembered that I am a single mom to one small child, not the keeper of an entire army's appetite. So, what does one do with so many goodies threatening to go bad before I can consume them? Here's one idea:

Farmer's Market Frenzy:

1- eggplant
1- zucchini
1- white onion
1- red bell pepper
3- cloves of garlic (what?? I love garlic. It's what drove Edward Cullen and I apart, but I chose garlic.)
Kosher salt
Olive oil

Sautee the onion  and garlic (minced) in the olive oil until it starts to carmelize. Add chopped zucch, eggplant, and pepper. Cover and let it cook for about 10 minutes. I add the salt towards the end because the veggies tend to cook down a lot and you might add too much at the beginning. I cover it to keep moisture in which keeps the veggies from sticking. I like my texture slightly mushed with the skins of the egg plant and zucch and the peppers adding a slight crunch. Fantastic flavors. Eggplant, to me, really doesn't have much flavor as it picks up the flavors of the dish. The carmelized onions add a touch of sweetness as does the garlic. So yummy. I'm eating leftover for lunch as I type and these veggies are even better the next day.

Farmer's Market Frenzy- so pretty and so delish

I expect to post more recipes as I attempt to cook my way through all of the farmer's market fair I purchased over the weekend. I nearly lost my sweet white-flesh peaches, but I just ate them all yesterday. What? It was only 3 and they're free on Weight Watchers.

Speaking of fruit, my new fruit love is....clementines. I love them. First of all, seriously cute name. I feel like it's really a nickname for them, you know, like men name their cars? No? Anyway, they're like super sweet miniature oranges and they're my new faves.

And, a little gossip on yours truly, I am now at -35 pounds. Woot. Plus, I got hit on yesterday at the grocery store by a hot guy. Yeah. Me. It happened. If I hadn't acted like a complete fool (you know, in total shock that said hot guy was flirting with me) perhaps he'd have asked for my digits. I'm going to start practicing. I will have to start frequenting the grocery store on my lunch hour more often.

Whip up some veggie goodness!