Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rockstar Crepes

So, last night I tried my hand at making crepes. For those unfamiliar with the task, having only sampled the goods when ordered at a restaurant, crepes take some special love and care to master. Master, I did not. However, I definitely made a tasty, golden crepe. Did I mention that I took care to remove all calories from them? Ok, so that's clearly not true. But I did remove the sugar!!! With the exception of the carbs in the fruit and the very minimal carbs in the sugar free whipped topping, I removed a bunch of calories. The crepes themselves were carb free, sugar free, and very low fat. So, how did I achieve the rockstar crepes? Allow me to take you on my crepe-making journey. For future reference, any time I revamp a recipe and make it low carb, low sugar, or low fat, I will be referring to it as Rockstar *insert food name*

Kendy's Rockstar Crepes

3 oz- lite cream cheese (if you like fat free, which I loathe, feel free to substitute)
2- eggs- beaten (technically, you could probably substitute 4 egg whites, however, I personally have nothing against a little yolk in my life)
2-3 packets of Truvia sweetener (use what you like here)
Cinnamon- if you love cinn, use lots, if not, use less- it's sort of a "duh" thing

The cream cheese needs to be soft. I mean, really soft. Nuke it for a couple of secs if need be. The eggs I recommend taking out and leaving out for about 5 minutes to take a bit of the chill off. I make no claims to know whether or not leaving eggs out for about 5 minutes pre-cooking is safe. I just know that I did and I'm alive. First, beat the eggs well. Next, add in the cream cheese and blend until good and smooth. If your eggs are too cold or the cream cheese is not softened enough (room temp softened!) then you'll have bits of cream cheese clump and that is NOT what you want. It'll take away from the crepe's texture. Then add in the sweetener and cinnamon. Blend.

Ok, heat up a small skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. I recommend butter flavored, but what do I know? I'm just a rockstar. =) Spray it good. Once the skillet is good and hot pour in enough batter to cover the bottom but don't make it too thick of a layer. Immediately start jostling the skillet back and forth. What you want to happen is that it eventually slides around the skillet. Add more spray right over the crepe if need be and use a spatula to loosen sides if necessary to get it slide around. Once it's sliding good, you need to flip it over. Take care here because these babies are very fragile little creations and will tear apart quite easily. My suggestion is a flat, plastic spatula that you use to get the crepe up enough to slide a spoon (using the back of the spoon) under it to get the spatula under as much of the crepe as possible so that it doesn't tear. Then flip it over. FOR BRAVE SOULS ONLY: FLIP IT IN THE AIR. Shamefully, I admit I was not a brave soul. Next time. Anyhoo, once flipped leave it less than a minute. They cook up quick. Set aside on a plate to cool. Do the same 3 more times. Each batter recipe makes about 4 crepes.

Filling them:

My suggestion is to use fresh fruits and sugar free Cool Whip. However, I have been toying with making a chocolate cream to use in them. The recipe idea I have is something like this:

1- small container of fat free, plain greek yogurt*
1-2 tsp cocoa
Truvia to taste

Mix and add sweetener until it tastes sweet enough. Might have to play around with the cocoa too in order to get it the right amount of chocolately yumminess. I'll report back when I try it.

*I specifically  chose greek yogurt here for a good reason. Have you ever had it? If so, you know that it is a thick creamy food. Thicker than regular yogurt. Plus, it's jam packed with protein. About double what regular yogurts have. I think it's got just the right amount of body to hold up to the cocoa and to make a nice creamy texture inside the crepe.

So, try them and ROCK ON!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Thing

I've tried and tried to lose weight over the years. But reality is, it's darn hard. Especially if you're an emotional eater, like myself. As many know, I've been through quite a lot in the past couple of years. What I have learned about losing weight is, the saying that if you do it for a month it becomes habit really doesn't apply in many cases. It hasn't ever for me. I lose a little, something sets me back, and then I'm off. Way off. I gain back the weight I lose and then some. It's a never ending patter and it sucks. So what does it take?

It takes "the thing". Whatever "the thing" is, it's something that motivates you for the right reasons. It's a lasting inspiration, push, driving force. I haven't ever gotten "the thing" before. Until now. I've eaten healthier since having my baby girl because I want her to be a healthy eater and I definitely don't want her to inherit my weight and food issues. So, I've kept healthy foods around the house. You won't find candy or cookies. No potato chips. Not even chocolate. But I overeat. And it's the eating at work that gets me too.

About a month and a half ago I started having dizzy spells and my blood sugar was dropping. I've always been borderline hypoglycemic so I figured it was getting worse. I went to the doctor only to find out that I'm now borderline diabetic. He ordered me to lose weight and get moving immediately. I almost cried. I walked out that day devastated and depressed. But I also walked out with "the thing". Suddenly, I look at food completely different. I, emotionally and mentally, don't want the stuff I know is bad for me. I have a chance to turn this around and not have to live with diabetes. If I have a second chance, then by golly, I'm gonna take it.

Interestingly, I had been praying that God would help me find my motivation. Prayer: answered. I have it. This time it isn't because a family member hurt my feelings and belittled me into it. It isn't because I want the attention of some boy (heck no- he's gonna have to earn my attention! Just sayin'.). It isn't because I hate the way I look, although I hadn't been happy with my appearance, avoiding mirrors at all costs. This time, I'm ready to be the person I'm meant to be. To stop diabetes before it becomes a reality. To get healthy and ensure that my baby girl is learning healthy eating.

In five weeks I've lost 22 pounds. I'm already wearing a smaller size. And I'm feeling amazing. I cut off my hair and I've been wearing it straight. Today I actually got into a pair of pants I received as a Christmas present that I have never been able to wear. Five weeks ago I could hardly get them over my rear. Two weeks ago I couldn't zip them. Today, yeah, I'm wearing those suckers, along with a shirt that now fits me.

I have an end goal. But I also have smaller goals along the way. I'm 12 pounds away from my first one. I've already hit 2 WW goals. I feel amazing. =) And I'm pretty sure that this newfound confidence and my cute outfit and super fun shoes make me LOOK amazing too!