Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bell Ringer, Baby!!

Let me tell you about my weekend. Insane. For starters, Friday night I had a Scentsy party at my house. Well, this happened to be a day that my darling BG chose to be ill, runny nose, horrible cough and all. I left work around noon and headed to Walgreens to pick up necessities for said shindig. However, at Walgreens, lest it be on sale, you will forfeit an arm and a leg for simple goods. So I didn't purchase much. So, I selected the following items:
1- 2 liter Pepsi
1- 2 liter Diet Pepsi
1- box brownie mix (aye, aye, aye)
1- bag Lays potato chips
1- bag pretzels
1- french onion dip
1- package cream cheese (for a cheeseball)
If you can, tell me what of these many products was really acceptable for a Week 3 WW attendee to purchase? If you said Diet Pepsi, you would be right. So, I made said brownies and cheeseball which I served with pretzels, chips, and dip. And I consumed some of each. Before you scold me with your disciplining glare, I have to tell you that I counted the points. I did go over, using a generous portion of my weekly points. But I still counted them.

 Not the end of the world. Except that on top of such tasty morsels right at my fingertips I had a visitor from a not-so-welcome friend. If you have to ask, you needn't know. Needless to say, I was bloated, cramp-ridden, and headache-struck most of the weekend. I felt blah and I ate comfort food the entire time. Again, I counted my points. In all, I used about half of my weekly allowance. (Side Note: For non-WW saavy individuals, WW gives you an allotted point bank per day which you are supposed to use in its entirety. You are also given a weekly point bank that you may use, but are not required to. It is not frowned upon or forbidden for you to use such points.)

Today, all I wanted was .6 pound loss to make my first 5. It's all I asked for, and much to my surprise, I got more. I lost 3.2 pounds today! I removed my ring, my sweater-jacket, and even breathed out every last ounce of air in my lungs, which may or may not helped. I was super excited. Not to mention- I got to the ring the bell and earned my very first nifty star sticker with a cute little 5 in the middle to represent losing 5 pounds. I probably should just relish in my victory and not look to next week quite yet, however, I am hopeful to lose another 2.4 for a total 10- giving me my second 5 pound loss AND the honor and privilege of being a bell-ringer two weeks in a row.

Look out world! I'm going to be famous! Even more famous than JHud. Just sayin'.