Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Where are You?

 I've been feeling really down lately about the fact that there seems to be such few gentlemen and real ladies left in this world. It might be because I'm in the middle of a divorce. But maybe not. It seems that kindness just isn't out there anymore. I do have to note that my best friend has been suddenly experiencing some amazing random acts of kindness from strangers and it gives me hope. However, I still have to say what I have to say.

 It seems lately that men in very large trucks take to tailgating. I used to be quite the speed queen but since having a baby I tend to go the speed limit. Note that I did NOT say under. No, I go the speed limit, sometime a bit over. And lately I've been seriously tailgated by men in large trucks as if they're trying to intimidate me to go faster. I've also notice that fewer men hold doors open, wait for a woman, allow a woman to go first, and whether or not you're a feminist you have to admit that having men be gentlemen, rather than the rude, arrogant jerks that are flourishing out there, it just seems we're missing something.

 But this applies to women too. Why aren't there more ladies out there? Real classy, modest women. Women that don't have to have their cleavage in your face to be seriously attractive. Women who are elegant and sweet and kind. I might be alone in this, but I think that this new society sucks.

 Women actually purposely chase married men. And married men eat it up. I know from my own experience. A married woman friended me on facebook because she said she was in grade school with my soon to be ex. Thing is, she was chasing him. She was married. He was married. How incredibly snakish is that? For the record, I called her on it. Because that's who I am. She bit back at me and I didn't care. She was dead wrong. Of course, so was he. But why is this going on these days? Even men who claim to be Christians have less integrity than they should have as sons of God.

 I'm just so disheartened by it all. That's not to say, though, that gentlemen don't exist. I know they do. I have gentlemen in my life that are kind, considerate, helpful, and they have integrity. But they are few and far between. I think it starts on the homefront. Women, if you want your daughter to be modest, classy, kind, it starts with you! Are you modest? Are you classy? Are you kind? If you say no, well, what do you expect from your daughter. Men, if you want your son to treat women right, to have integrity, to be gentlemen, first look at yourself. How do you treat your wife? Are you a gentlemen? We need to lead by example and the problem is that more and more I see people essentially saying to their kids- do as I say and not as I do. Well, of course that doesn't work!

 I hope we are striving to make a difference, and more importantly, to be different.