Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Anxiety that Drives Me to Eat

Let me start by admitting that I have not started Weight Watchers again. Yet. And I stress, yet. Instead, I've been working on my attitude toward food. Namely- the anxiety that drives me to eat. I have it bad. I get anxious about something- good or bad- and I just have to eat. I imagine my anxiety eating, hereinafter referred to as "anxieteating", would be akin to a smoker's cigarette. It's the only thing that will calm the nerves. It's awful. So, I started asking myself this question- "Will I regret that I didn't eat this tomorrow, or will I regret that I did?" It's amazing how that question can truly stop me in my tracks and it's as if I'm thinking for my future, rather than my present state of mind.

 On the scale-front, no clue where I am, poundally speaking. I don't care. I go on vacation next week for a whole week and I refuse to start a weight loss program right before that. I don't anticipate eating myself stupid or anything. But, I'm not going to feel guilty about not point counting. However, upon my return I am immediately restarting Weight Watchers.

 So that's what's going on here. If anyone wants to join me, feel free. I'd love to have the company.