Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Monday, May 17, 2010


 Hi, it's me! Yes, here I am posting again. I know it's been a while. I can tell you that I am just about 10 pounds under where I started previously. I haven't necessarily been watching what I eat. In fact, I gained those 10 pounds back and have only lost them due in part to a bout of food poisoning and due in further part to the amount of stress I've been under. No matter. I figure since I'm back to where I sort of gave up before, now is the time to get myself back on track. I have finally figured out a schedule, more or less and it seems to be working for the most part. I've gotten used to Robb being home 3 nights a week and spending 1-2 nights a week away from home. So, I think I've settled enough that I can get myself back on track. Not to mention, I've been really itching to cook again. I miss cooking. I love cooking.

 It's not the new year. It's no special occasion. I just feel ready to get back on track. I want to start walking with Lainie in the evenings. My M-I-L has said that when we stay with her, now that the weather is getting nicer (with the exception of today which is a cold, wet disaster of a Spring day) we can start walking together. I need to add some movement to my life. I have honestly kicked my Facebook (read: Farmville, Treasure Isle) habits. I just got to this point where I stopped caring about them and that helps get me moving. Plus, we don't have a computer at the house unless I remember my laptop and quite frankly, I don't want to.

 This weekend I'm going to Quincy to see the fam and to have some major Princess Time with the Bestie. It's going to involve some Hannibal-antiquing which is always good, clean fun. Not to mention, it requires a lot of walking. See, it's good for me!

 So Happy Monday (just pretend) and have a Jolly Week!