Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad Girl, Bad Girl, Whatchya Gonna Do?

Bad. I've been bad. I got off track last week due to some pretty heavy stressors and just can't seem to get back on track. I want to. I think not getting back on track has been a combination of coming down with a chest cold (which equals exhaustion and not really caring about things) and not having healthy food around the house. I've needed to grocery shop for a while now. I've been avoiding life since stress came.

The thing is, I hate the way I feel when I'm eating what I want. Don't get me wrong- I'm not gorging myself or anything. I notice I actually can't eat as much as I could before starting WW. But physically, I don't feel good and I'm not talking because of the cold. I just feel heavy and tired and poopy. That's a good way to describe it- poopy! I'm glad to see this difference though because it is quickly driving me straight back into the WW-loving arms. Robb is grocery shopping as we speak and on that list is nothing but the veggie goodness I need to have on hand. I will get better. I'm not giving up. Too many important reasons to do this- the first of which is Lainie Lou.

Feel free to keep me accountable!