Quote of the Week

Common sense is such a rarity these days, it should be classified as a super power.

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's Been A While...

 Now that song is my head. Not sure who sings it. Staind? Anyway, I'm not doing so hot with the weight loss thing. Truth is, I'm not necessarily eating everything in sight so it's not so bad. It's just becoming more difficult to plan these days and WW takes a lot of planning. With Christmas just a few short weeks away, I'm gonna give myself to the New Year and pick back up. I will definitely get back to it. When things slow down a bit and some hugely stressful stuff is finally resolved, I think my mind will be in a place where I can focus much easier. So that's that.

Second, a good friend of mine told me about a movement called "To Write Love on Her Arms". I had already heard of it and had a pretty good idea what it might have to do with. Well, I visited the website yesterday and it turns out I was right. It's about self-injury. (Side Note: I just thew my arms in the air and yelled "I see flurries" as I'm witnessing my first snowfall of the season!) Ok. Back to TWLOHA.

 Everyone knows about drug addictions and alcohol addictions. Everyone knows that many addicts use those things to get through life. To push down pain that keeps surfacing. I would venture to say that all addicts are doing that, if they were really honest with themselves. What people don't seem to know about is self injury. Maybe you've heard of people who cut lines on their arms or legs or other body parts. Or people that burn marks on their bodies. People who consume chemicals to injure their insides. I think there is a stigma attached to it so self injurers aren't as forthcoming. Well, that's not the only reason. It's also because it's something secret that belongs only to them.

 Anyway, I think it's great that someone is putting out information to the public and doing it in a way that isn't making current and former self injurers feel like a loser or a freak. Writing love instead of hate for yourself. It's like a breath of fresh air. If people would get educated on the subject matter maybe the problem could be addressed and stopped. Before it leads to death. Although, self injury is not the same as a suicide attempt. It's not like that. But eventually, one cut isn't enough to push down the pain. It becomes 2 cuts. Then 3. Then 10. And deeper. Until it can become life threatening, even if that is not the intent.

 Don't turn away from a self injurer. Don't sum them up to being a freak and move on. Try to be sympathetic. Try to be understanding. And for pete's sake, check out the website- twolha.com